Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life of a knuckle.....

Art at a Folkhögskola...
One of the JFK-officeses...
A random Photographer
Röka sigg med Sulo Hype!
Todays outfit : Fur...Go on and hate you vegan-fuck!
Oh thats so U.K
Sum quick shoppin...
Latte...sooooo 90's
Todays outfit : Supreme-jacket and a badminton-racket! THATS HOT!
Step up 2 da street! (or ride the bus in Leksand)
My phone I just bought just went out of stock in white, haha thats shoppin JFK-Style!
Your random fly-ass-oldman...
The snapper....
Oh thats hot!
The wiskey-kid havin a nutricius meal
The JFK-Snapper.....
Two random architects
Beer and a boi.

Yes here you have a little glims of a life of a knuckle....And yes...I am a one of the cool kids!
Big up to tousand monkeys...whut?



Anonymous said...

röka cigg med mig? fett!

ps stäng av den jävla "word verification" när man ska lämna kommentarer. man blir ju förbannad!

Anonymous said...

Ja jag hatar den!