Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen

Let me present to you a painting done entirely with bacteria, mutated by fluorescent protein. I bet you wouldn't want this piece of art in your home... mostly because you would probably die. This somehow relates to the 2008 Nobel prize  in chemistry winners but nobody understands what any of these guys do so...


Laughing all the way to the bank!

Capten Jack Sparrow aka Johnny Depp just signed on to do "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" and will get paid : 57 million US$....Thats about 403 miljoner SEK.......That makes him the best paid actor EVER! And in my opinion he is one of the greatest actors and flyest cats around so....Get that paper Johnny!
The JFK's salute you!!!!!


Life of a knuckle.....

Art at a Folkhögskola...
One of the JFK-officeses...
A random Photographer
Röka sigg med Sulo Hype!
Todays outfit : Fur...Go on and hate you vegan-fuck!
Oh thats so U.K
Sum quick shoppin...
Latte...sooooo 90's
Todays outfit : Supreme-jacket and a badminton-racket! THATS HOT!
Step up 2 da street! (or ride the bus in Leksand)
My phone I just bought just went out of stock in white, haha thats shoppin JFK-Style!
Your random fly-ass-oldman...
The snapper....
Oh thats hot!
The wiskey-kid havin a nutricius meal
The JFK-Snapper.....
Two random architects
Beer and a boi.

Yes here you have a little glims of a life of a knuckle....And yes...I am a one of the cool kids!
Big up to tousand monkeys...whut?
